Xiaomi released its latest iteration of Android 12-based MIUI 13 back in December for the Chinese market. The company has recently teased the upcoming launch of the MIUI 13 global version and now, Xiaomi India has announced that the MIUI 13 Indian variant will also arrive soon in the sub-continent.

Although we do not have an exact date for the release, the Android 12-based OS is expected to launch on 9th February. Redmi India had confirmed that the upcoming Redmi Note 11 and Redmi Note 11S will launch on the same date. The brand will also introduce the Redmi Smart TV X43 and the Smart Band Pro at this launch event.

MIUI 13 features:

Let us take a look at the features that MIUI 13 brings.

MIUI 13 beings liquid storage which reduces fragmentation and actively manages stored data along with improving defragmentation efficiency by up to 60%. There is also Atomized Memory that brings RAM efficiency.

It also has focused algorithms for dynamically allocating system resources based on usage patterns and scenarios which make the interface more fluid and responsive. It also prioritizes active apps and allows the CPU to focus on important tasks.

There is also a Smart Balance feature that automatically finds the balance between performance and power consumption. It is also claimed to extend the battery life by up to 10%.

Visually, MIUI 13 comes with the Material You theme engine, which changes the color theme of apps to match the colors of your current wallpaper, however, the functionality is currently only working for Google apps. Another visual change is the new control center which is similar to that of the control center in an iPhone.

The official launch date of MIUI 13 is still under wraps but stay tuned as we will keep you updated.

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