On Wednesday the former Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni has revealed its first look of his upcoming graphic novel named Atharva: The Origin. The fans were very much excited after seeing MS Dhoni in a new angry avatar. The video was released on the Facebook page of MS Dhoni by himself and that shows us the new look of him that no one has ever seen before.

While sharing the video, MS Dhoni, the 41-year old has written that "Happy to announce my new Avatar…..Atharva. #GraphicNovel #AtharvaTheOrigin". The video is of one minute long. It features Dhoni in an animated avatar dressed up in the look of a warrior with long blonde hair. He has a weapon in his hand and is seen slaying the demons around him. As we have seen this man who has played for nearly two decades in the cricket field, this new avatar of him on a battlefield has created a lot of excitement among all of his fans.

Acknowledging to be a new graphic novel named Atharva: The Origin, it is an adaptation of debutant author named Ramesh Thamilmani's unpublished book of the same name. It is an upcoming series that is being backed by Dhoni Entertainment, a company that was founded by MS Dhoni himself and his wife Sakshi in the year 2019.

In the last week, Dhoni was in Chennai to prepare for the upcoming IPL mega auction which was scheduled to take place on 12th and 13th February in Bengaluru. But now the CSK captain is back in his hometown Ranchi. Earlier yesterday, he was seen enjoying a couple of sets of tennis.

Here we present the first look full video of Atharva:-

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