A lot of companies now are turning to paid adverts to help attract and bring in new customers and business with them using adverts either across social media platforms, radio and tv adverts along other methods. The past few years saw industries having to close the doors to customers due to the lockdowns being put in place which made a lot of businesses move to an online platform to keep their business ticking over during the pandemic. With people being forced to work from home or put on furlough a lot of people turned to their smartphones and the internet to keep them entertained during the working from home and lockdown periods. Therefore, so many companies decided to do paid adverts due to so many people spending time on different platforms such as social media ones where they would see their adverts being promoted. A lot of industries saw great success in promoting themselves online and on other platforms with their adverts being seen by millions of people around the world. One industry that saw a large rise in users since using paid adverts was the gambling industry with websites like https://casinosnotongamstop.org/ seeing record numbers of new users passing through their platforms from social media paid adverts. More radio and tv adverts are appearing across the world recently due to more industries realising the potential of using paid adverts.

With paid adverts bringing in a lot of new business some industries such as the online gaming industry has seen a lot of new gamers signing up for their services and are now at a record high with profits and new users due to them using paid adverts to help promote their services across different platforms. Paid adverts are now being used by most companies from around the world who are bidding against each other to compete with one another with who will bring in the newest business. The good thing about paid adverts these days is that you can target your adverts to certain parts of the world and different age ranges and peoples interests so you are making sure to target the correct audience of potential new customers. Social media platforms are some of the most used when it comes to using paid adverts due to how many people are spending hours every day scrolling through social media, so they are a great platform to promote your adverts across.