(photo courtesy: http://www.pna.gov.ph)

To boost the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination nationwide, local government units (LGUs) will double their efforts in preparation for the three-day national inoculation program from November 29 to December 1.

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Eduardo Año said Sunday LGUs are now accommodating walk-in applicants, citing that those under the A2 (senior citizens), A3 (adults with comorbidities), and A4 (essential frontline personnel) categories will be accepted.

He commended Metro Manila for its high vaccination rate but other regions need to catch up.

"We are focused on how LGUs outside Metro Manila can adjust and in our meeting with governors and mayors, they committed that they will prepare for the national vaccination days," Año said in a radio interview in Filipino.

The national government hopes to ramp up vaccination to 1.5 million per day on the way to population protection by the end of the year.

During the three-day activity, the target is to inoculate at least 5 million individuals.

Año assured full preparations in coordination with uniformed personnel to avoid overcrowding, including additional vaccination sites, hiring more vaccinators, vehicles to pick up vaccinees, and prompt delivery of the vaccines.

He said local chief executives are conducting coordination meetings with DILG regional offices, Department of Health regional directors, police, and other concerned parties.

"Day 1 will fall on a Monday that is why we are recommending that this be declared a holiday to allow everybody to focus on the vaccination and those going to be vaccinated will have no work,'' Año said.

Rewards, penalties

Año said localities with poor performance on their vaccination will initially be provided assistance but later probed if they continue to come up with lackluster results.

LGUs with satisfactory vaccination rates will be recognized.

There are also LGUs willing to provide assistance to adjacent neighboring localities that are having a difficult time in their vaccination drives, Año said.