Unity Teams ni amat berguna kepada game developers yang memerlukan collaboration secara real time dengan programmer/game artist yang lain. Sebelum ni trial 1 GB aje secara free dan akhirnya management di pejabat yang terlibat dalam pengurusan game ni bersetuju nak subscribe for 6 months dahulu. So nanti untuk selepas ni rancang for upcoming 1-2 years plan la beli subscribed product dia.

Dia ibarat Dropbox yang sync across multiple users. Cuma kali ni Unity ni for game. Kitorang coding dan adjust exactly the same project and letak asset2 secara real time and sync with server Unity. Boleh buat mcm2 function lagi Unity Teams ni.

Unity Teams ni if tak silap diperkenalkan still new maybe dll few years begitu and dalam suasana covic ni lagi make sense. So if you guys a serious developer team, benda ni amat berguna.

Untuk game Engine lain contohnya Unreal Game Engine ada jugak source control tapi tidak secanggih yang dibuat Unity ni (itu pendapat akulah). Bahkan Unity ni ada dia punya certification (some sort like Professional Certification) mcm Adobe Certification or Oracle Certification berbanding Unreal. So disebabkan itu Unity ni still and being used widely worldwide berbanding Unreal Game Engine. But both has their pros and cons.

Read sini https://www.incredibuild.com/blog/unity-vs-unreal-what-kind-of-game-dev-are-you