The Mortal Kombat reboot sequel is moving forward with plans on the board to start shooting this summer. Recently, it had been reported that Mortal Kombat 2 would start filming in June in Australia, intended to be wrapped by September. The news has been confirmed by producer Todd Garner who responded to a post on Twitter of the announcement from Geek Vibes Nation, noting he'll be there for the production.
Of course, Garner didn't share any additional details, and it remains unclear what exactly will happen in the movie. It's presumed that the surviving main characters will return, while others who weren't featured in the first movie, like Johnny Cage and Kitana, will be brought in. No new casting information has yet been announced, so if those or other fan favorites from the video games are going to debut in the sequel, it remains unknown who might be playing any of them. We will likely find out more as we get closer to the start of production.
The new Mortal Kombat film did exactly set the world on fire, with it lack luster fights, boring OC of a protagonist and lack of an actual tournament. The film really left people hankering for the original 90's flick which frankly still holds up very well and even shaped aspects of Mortal Kombat lore. But releasing in 2021 meant the film was going to be heavily affected by Covid and yet in spite of that it still turned a profit. And with the runaway success of the Mario and Sonic movies as well as The Last of Us TV show, it makes sense that WB would want to give this reboot a second chance.
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