
Developed/Published By: Rocket Ship Park.

Platforms Available On: Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS and Android. Reviewed on Android - a code was very kindly supplied for the purpose of this review.


Word Forward is the word puzzle game where every choice matters.

Can you use all of the letters in the 5x5 grid to make words disappear and clear the board? Word Forward isn't about spelling the longest words or the most clever - it's about carefully using every tile to declare victory in 500 puzzles. It requires cunning and strategy -- Word Forward is a brain teaser that will really make you think!

• SPELL words by tracing a line between tiles in any direction, including diagonally
• SWAP any two letters on the grid by using a SWAP TOKEN, earned during gameplay
• JUMBLE the tiles on the grid to replace all the letters with new ones when all else fails
• CHANGE the letter on a tile to any other letter you choose using the SWAP MODIFIER
• ELIMINATE stubborn tiles with BOMBS to get yourself out of a tight spot

The latest brain-tingling puzzle game from the creators of Block Droppin Blitz.


One thing I enjoy about reviewing is the many different titles and genres you come across, some of which you may not have picked up. Mobile gaming I tend to find works best for retro ports and puzzle games one game that fits that would be Word Forward the latest title from Rocket Ship Park.

Unless you've been living under a rock you would have seen plastered over social media people's Wordle post or the many different forms of the game I'm seeing, well following that trend of word games is Word Forward a bit like a word search type of game getting you to find words hidden in a grid in whichever direction. Once you find a word those tiles are removed the main aim is to get the most words out of the letters available so it's not really about the biggest word it's about using what's available.

The game itself is pretty big with 500 puzzles to work through also you have different power ups to help you such as jumble up the letters, blow up a letter or swap a letter all helping you along the way.

Personally I just couldn't get into it and felt the gane was unnecessarily difficult, normally the difficulty increases as you move along allowing you to get used to the game and how the mechanics work well Word Forward doesn't let you do this instead throws you pretty much into the deep end, maybe it is just me but a few times I found myself resetting the board to try again with frustration building fast I just couldn't get into the game.

Maybe you need to be a complete brain box to play the game or have patience of a Saint to play the game which in all fairness I have neither, it possibly would be ideal for people that love doing the puzzles out the paper and things like that but not for me.

Graphics and Sound

It's hard really to judge the game on the graphics as it isn't that type of game however looks wise it looks good and fresh and pretty easy to navigate.

The soundtrack is quite minimal with limited in game sounds but like the graphics it's hard to judge the game on this as that isn't what the game is about.


To summarise my thoughts on Word Forward, I was disappointed with the game as a whole and found it overly complicated so in turn found it difficult to get into so can't really see me going back to it any time soon.

Verdict-Out of 5🌟



I give Word Forward a poor rating of 1 🌟 thought the game was overly complicated more than it needed to be, if they make it simpler to start with then maybe my opinion would change.

Make your own mind up and grab yourself a copy of Word Forward on Android now click here

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