Supermassive Games, the folks behind The Dark Pictures anthology that are a mixed bag of interactive horror adventure experiences, will be making five more of these types of games.

According to a recent trademark, Supermassive Games has filed five new logos and titles for its The Dark Pictures series. Here they are:

  • "The Dark Pictures: The Craven Man"
  • "The Dark Pictures Presents: O Death"
  • "The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020"
  • "The Dark Pictures: Intercession"
  • "The Dark Pictures: Winterfold"

So far, Supermassive Games has released three The Dark Pictures titles under publisher Bandai Namco: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, and The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes. Man of Medan wasn't that good (at least when you consider how good Until Dawn was), and Little Hope was arguably the worst of the lot as we saw the big twist come a mile away. House of Ashes, however, was a huge improvement over the other two and is definitely worth experiencing among the three.

The next one, The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me will be out in 2022.