Following on from the first three blogs I believe that it will be interesting to discuss how the digital audience affects the content generated in the online environment to ensure the success of the media generated.

Audiences are referred to as a collective of receivers being attentive but passive listeners/spectators in public settings (McQuail & Deuze, 2020). They can be defined by 5 different things; place, people, particular channel or medium, content and time (McQuail & Deuze, 2020)

Globalisation has created online audiences due to the use of new technologies mainly the internet, this has been important for the sharing of content to audiences from around the world (Rowe & Hutchins, 2014). 

For a piece of media to be deemed successful the audience is important because if the content that is created for the audience's viewing does not entice interaction with the content there is no point in the creation of it and it does not generate a snowball interaction. 

The new audiences have become very demanding as they have become accustomed to having the information right at their fingertips. They do not only want to access information, they want to receive quality information and content.  During my audio podcast I spoke about how the use of social media can present the background of sport teams, as the consumers may be interested in the mechanics of the running of the teams . Could  this be a step too far in overexposing elite athletes and being a breach of their privacy? Would you find it acceptable to be filmed in your workplace, which would  be posted on social media?

In order for sport organisations to entice and retain their audience it is important that they tell interesting stories when they are composing and generating their advertising  content in order to keep the audience connected and engaged (Gabriel & Lang,2015). The digital audience ultimately decides what content is being produced as content creators want to ensure that the audience continues to be engaged with the content and wants to see future instalments. 

You are currently reading this blog, this shows you as  a prime example of an online audience as this blog  has been created for online consumption!

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