For several years I've been a very happy user of Logitech G25 pedals with a PerfectPedal brake conversion. The feel of the brake pedal is really similar to a real car. There is a little bit of travel and then it's almost like stepping on a rock. Very little movement. It feels pretty authentic to me, and I feel it is a huge part of my muscle memory for brake control. I love it. I also hate it. There are a lot of games that don't work well with it. It's always on somewhere between 20-22%. And in order to get it to 100%, it feels like you're putting your foot through a car door. My usual setup is to have it work from 25-55%. Not all games work with that.

I've been looking at Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals for a while. They were announced a couple years ago, but it wasn't until recently that you could find them. Sometimes they are on Amazon for $225 and sometimes $450. They don't stay in stock very long at $225. I decided to buy them because I really wanted to play Richard Burns Rally (among others).

One of the complaints about the T-LCM is that the brake pedal springs aren't stiff enough. They come with 3 pairs of springs that you can mix and match but even the stiffest springs had too much movement for me. No big deal, I modded the pedal with skateboard truck bushings. In the picture below, you can see the red spring on top of some yellow and red bushings and then the load cell is the silver thing below that.

The brake pedal feels really similar to the PerfectPedal. I think if you swapped them, I wouldn't even notice. Weirdly, the throttle and clutch feel more different. They use springs, just like the Logitech, but the throws are a little longer.
If you have a Thrustmaster wheel, the T-LCMs plug right into the wheelbase. It also comes with a USB cord in case you want to use it with a different manufacturer's wheel. So if you own a Logitech wheel, should you modify the brake pedal for $250 or replace the whole set for about the same price? I would buy the Thrustmaster pedals. The T-LCMs feel like they have a little more resolution but more importantly, it puts you once step closer to getting rid of the POS Logitech wheel.
I am 100% satisfied with the Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals. However, I just got them and I don't know how durable they are. The Logitech/PerfectPedal having been going strong for 7-8 years now, and that's a hard act to follow.
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