As reported by Comic Natalie, Saiyuki RELOAD: ZEROIN, the latest anime series set in the world of the popular Saiyuki franchise, has gotten a January 6th release date.

Saiyuki is an action-adventure manga series created by Kazuya Minekura and loosely based on the Chinese novel Journey to the West. It tells the story of four adventures who tackle magic/science-based enemies while on a journey to unravel deeper secrets. The series has gotten several manga spin-offs, anime adaptions, video games, and a live-stage show.

Saiyuki RELOAD: ZEROIN is directed by Misato Takada, with Aya Matsui & Michiko Yokote writing the scrips, animation direction & character designs by Noriko Ogura, Yūsuke Shirato as the music composer, and animation by Liden Films.

Saiyuki RELOAD: ZEROIN premieres in Japan on January 6, 2022. There are also plans to hold a Saiyuki FESTA in April.

(Source - Comic Natalie)

Check out Anime Frontier running December 3-5 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Houston, Texas! Head here for more information and to get your ticket!

Anime NYC

Anime NYC 2021 may be over, but the date is already set for 2022! Go to to learn more.

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