Riot Games is reportedly making a change to its player contract policy just ahead of the 2021 League of Legends esports free agency period. According to Upcomer's sources, Riot Games has increased the standard maximum contract length for certain eligible pro gamers to four years from three years.

Riot will label four-year contracts as "Long Term Contracts." To be eligible to receive a long-term contract, an esports athlete must have "played the previous two full seasons in that region." This means that a player must be on an active roster for at least 50% of the team's regular-season games. Additionally, one of the seasons "must have been in a professional league."

This rule will take effect for this off-season's global free agency period, which begins on November 15th at 8:00 PM EST. Until then, players may not sign long-term contracts.

(All information was provided by Upcomer)