Think about writing anything in the "skills" section of your LinkedIn profile. But how will someone believe that you are skilled or not? This is what we know as endorsements on LinkedIn. Endorsements help in many ways. But before you go ahead you need to know the requirement, importance, and usage of LinkedIn endorsements. 

Here in this post, you will get to know everything about endorsements on LinkedIn. Also, you will learn how to use endorsements for your LinkedIn profile. Endorsements can help you grow your network and prove yourself as a skilled and certified professional on LinkedIn. 

Learn About LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn is a platform developed for professionals. No matter which sector you are in, creating a LinkedIn profile is a must for you. But creating a profile is not enough. To impress and attract others, you need to mention your skills, qualifications, experience, etc. 

Now to make it more accurate and genuine, LinkedIn has a feature called an endorsement. Everyone has mentioned skills on their LinkedIn profiles. It becomes hectic when employers find a profile with falsely written skills. That is why skilled professionals get endorsed by industry experts. 


LinkedIn provides you with a feature to get your skills endorsed by an expert in the same skill. When you get endorsed, it shows clearly to your network and profile visitors that you are skilled in reality. LinkedIn endorsements work as social proof in your professional network. 

Importance Of LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn endorsements are important. You will hear this statement everywhere, but very few will describe why it is important. Following are some of the important points that make endorsements more important for professionals on LinkedIn. 

  • It helps you to show your skills in an approved way. 
  • Endorsements help you attract new professionals easily. 
  • It easily describes you as an expert in a particular skill. 
  • Endorsed skills will help you get new job opportunities. 
  • Your professional network built on LinkedIn will grow fast. 

Benefits Of LinkedIn Endorsements

Counting the benefits of endorsements will help you in many ways while building a professional network. No matter if you are interested in building a professional LinkedIn network or not, you can get many other benefits. There will be more recognition in search queries, more growth, etc. Following are some of the major benefits that you get from LinkedIn endorsements. 


Credibility is a must-have thing if you want to take leverage of the LinkedIn platform. Without credibility, you cannot grow your network and cannot connect with the professionals in your preferred sector. LinkedIn endorsements increase your credibility on this platform. 


Is your profile authentic on LinkedIn? If not then it would become difficult for you to be connected with the other professionals. That is why experts always recommend making a LinkedIn profile that seems authentic. But how can a profile become authentic? Simply LinkedIn endorsements can help you here again.


When you are an authentic and credible professional on LinkedIn, you will get more connection requests. If you want to get more connection requests, then you need to get endorsements. Your LinkedIn endorsements will, directly and indirectly, grow your network. 

Builds Trust

Building trust with other professionals is very important. Without a trustworthy conversation, you cannot go ahead with that person in your career. That is why you need to build trust and LinkedIn endorsements will do it for you.

Shows Experience

You are skilled, but nobody is going to believe you. You need to show some experience to prove yourself as a skilled professional. LinkedIn endorsements will let you certify that you are an expert in a particular skill.  

Compete Effectively

Competing with others on LinkedIn is also a part of a professional network. Maybe you are looking for investors, jobs, projects or any other career opportunities. Competition is everywhere and you need to beat your competitors. Your endorsements will keep you ahead of your competitors.  


Getting recognized by industry professionals is very important. Are you being recognized on LinkedIn? If not, then endorsements can bring you up on search queries. You will get recognized by many other professionals with the help of endorsements. 

How To Get Endorsed On LinkedIn? 

After being familiar with the benefits, usage, and importance of endorsements, you may want to get endorsed on LinkedIn. You may want to learn how to get endorsed on LinkedIn. Following are some steps to get endorsements on LinkedIn for growth. 

Mention Skills

First of all, you need to mention all of the skills that you want to get endorsed. Keep in mind that you need to mention all the skills in a proper preference. Keep those skills high on the list where you are highly proficient. 

Ask Your Colleagues

You may have some colleagues who are experts in the same skill or field. You can get endorsed by them. It is one of the easiest ways to get endorsed on LinkedIn. 

Ask Employers

No matter if you are working in an organization or you are just doing freelance projects. You can ask your employers to endorse your skills on LinkedIn. 

Direct Approach

You can also directly approach some experts on LinkedIn to get endorsements. However, you need to write a nice and professional proposal for it. You can send requests to your connections asking for endorsements. 

Endorsement Is Different From Recommendations

Beginners out there on the LinkedIn platform are confusing endorsements with recommendations. They both are different in many ways. However, they both provide you with the same benefits and let you grow more on LinkedIn. Endorsement is a way to get social proof for your mentioned skills through your previous employers, colleagues or any industry experts. And recommendations are like a written statement from industry experts about you. 


Endorsements lets you prove that you're proficient in all the mentioned skills on LinkedIn. It is very important in many ways and ultimately helps you grow your LinkedIn network. When a LinkedIn profile seems authentic, trustworthy, experienced and professional, then there are more chances for growth. The same thing happens when you get endorsements for your skills on LinkedIn. It helps you represent yourself as a professional, experienced and skilled person. 

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