Life is Strange: True Colors gives you plenty of choices at every step and there are different decisions that you can make that are going to impact the ending of the game. In this Life is Strange: True Colors guide, we are going to go over all the choices you are given and the decisions you need to make, and their consequences.

Note: This guide includes spoilers. If you are interested in making decisions in the game on your own and discovering the results then you should not read any further. You have been warned!

All Life is Strange: True Colors Choices And Their Effects

The following are all the choices that are presented to you in Life is Strange: True Colors and their different effects that impact the ending.

Take Away Charlotte's Anger Or Leave Her Alone

At the end of chapter 3, you will have the choice to take away Charlotte's anger or leave her be. The choice that you make here is going to change her and is also going to change what happens down the line in chapter 5.

Take Away Charlotte's Anger

If you choose this route then Alex will have an outburst later on in front of Steph and Ryan. Both of them will leave the flat and you will be left alone to investigate the flash drive alone. In chapter 4, you will meet Charlotte and she will tell you that she feels numb. Later on, in chapter 5, Charlotte is not going to take a stand for you during the final confrontation during the town council meeting.

Leave Charlotte's Alone

If you go this route then you can console Charlotte on your way out. Later on, Ryan and Steph will help you with the USB investigation and tell you what they think. When you meet Charlotte, later on, both of you will share a moment together and she will stand up for you in chapter 5.

Tell Riley About Eleanor Or Not

At the bus stop, in Chapter 4 you have a choice to tell Riley about Eleanor or say nothing regarding the matter. Eleanor does not want Riley to know about her condition.

Tell Riley About Eleanor

If you go with this decision then Riley will stay in Haven to be with Eleanor. Later on, Eleanor will not stand up for you at the council meeting and this will hurt Alex.

Do Not Tell Riley About Eleanor

If you keep things to yourself then Riley will leave town. Eleanor will stand up for you at the council meeting later on in chapter 5.

Sign The Affidavit Or Take Pike's Fear

In chapter 4, Pike is going to take you into custody, because of the evidence you have found by investigating the USB. He asks you to sign an affidavit stating that you will not longer pursue the matter and will leave the USB. In this situation, you can either sign or take Pike's fear.

Sign The Affidavit

If you sign, then later on Pike will be too scared to confirm what you say at the town council meeting. This is the only difference this decision is going to make on the story.

Take Pike's Fear

If you take this route then Pike will take a stand for you at the town council meeting later on. There are some small changes in the scenes following this as well.

Life Is Strange: True Colors Endings

The ending of the game is heavily dependant on whether or not you stay in Haven. The ending is also slightly different if you form a romantic relationship with Steph or Ryan in chapter 4. The following are all the different endings that you can get in Life Is Strange: True Colors.

Stay in Haven

If you decide not to skip town then Steph will leave town and will hand over the record store to you.

Skip Town

If you decide to leave Haven then you will leave town to pursue a career in music. If you kept Eleanor's secret, didn't take Charlotte's anger, and took Pike's fear then all of these characters will be there to see you off. If you got into a romantic relationship with Ryan on the roof then he will also be there. If you picked the alternative choices then the characters will not be there for you.

Stay in Haven with Ryan

You will stay in town with Ryan. Steph will leave town and will hand over the record store to you. You will see the couple build a life for themselves in town.

Skip Town With Ryan

You will leave town and pursue a career in music with Ryan. You will get a text from him while on stage showing his support. His pictures will be in the guitar case.

Stay In Haven With Steph

Both of you will stay in town and will work in the record store together.

Leave Town With Steph

Both of you leave Haven as you pursue a career in music. You will get a text from her while on stage showing his support. Her pictures will be in the guitar case.

These are all the choices that you can make in Life is Strange: True Colors and how your decisions are going to impact the story and ending. To learn more about the game check out our guide on how you can unlock all the achievements.