On June 15th, Sega announced it will be releasing Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania this Fall. The game is considered to be a "modern HD remaster" of Super Monkey BallSuper Monkey Ball 2, and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.

Sega said that the latest installment in the franchise will feature over 300 recreated levels, as well as refined versions of the 12 mini-games that were offered in the original game. Sega told The Verge that these mini-games will not be playable online.

Super Monkey Ball is a puzzle video game franchise that was developed by Sega almost 20 years ago, exactly. Players must navigate a series of mazes and challenges as a virtual monkey rolling around in a giant plastic ball.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania will be available on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC devices. The game is scheduled to be released on October 5th.

(All information was provided by The Verge)