Three major Disney-based video game promotions were recently showcased during E3: Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life (based on the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series), an Avatar game, and a Guardians of the Galaxy game. While the entertainment giant has struggled in this market, these new titles could spark a resurgence for Disney in the world of gaming.

"Disney's current approach ties its biggest franchises to acclaimed mega-studios across the industry," writes Stephen Totilo of Axios. "We just might be entering a gaming era that resembles that of modern cinema and streaming, where major Disney releases are constant."

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life is a new campaign mode that was recently released as part of a game update on June 22nd. The Guardians of the Galaxy title will be made available in October. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora will not come out until 2022.

(All information was provided by Engadget, Google, Gamepedia, and Axios)